Thursday, 23 July 2009

Battles won against my laptop

My 7 year old laptop is now too geriatric to run anything too meaty. Windows is definitely out of the question, so I have Xubuntu.
Today, I bring you:

How to add a terminal launcher to the xfce panel:
right-click>add new item>launcher
Then find the terminal program in /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal and drag it into the launcher. Or, just set command to "/usr/bin/xfce4-terminal" and uncheck the "run in terminal" box. Give it a nice name and picture of a terminal window.

How to connect to a windows shared area when smb4k is acting up:
If you can see the various windows computers in smb4k (eg ACOMPUTER) but it won't let you mount ACOMPUTER/afile, then try this on the command line...
sudo mount -t smbfs //ACOMPUTER/afile/ -o username=myname /home/myfile/MyMount/
...where you have provided your username to access the shared area. When prompted, give the corresponding password.
To unmount:
sudo umount /home/myfile/MyMount/

Friday, 17 July 2009

Greek letters in Inkscape

To get greek letters, press Ctrl+u. You'll see "Unicode (Enter to finish)" come up in the status bar. Let go of Ctrl+u and type in your unicode number followed by the return key.


Friday, 3 July 2009

Formatted Read Statements yet again.

Further to my last post, I want to add a code snippet for reading in large arrays with many columns. It has some nice implicit do-loops. "myfile.ans" contains 1 column of integers, followed by Ncols of data that I want to read into "Blam" and Ncols that I want to read into "Dlam".

integer :: i, Nrows, Ncols
real :: Blam(Nrows, Ncols), Dlam(Nrows, Ncols)
integer :: pixies(Nrows)
character(1) :: tmp

do i = 1,Nrows,
read(2,20) pixies(i), (tmp,Blam(i,j), j=1,Ncols), (tmp,Dlam(i,j), j=1,Ncols)
20 format(I3, 36(A1,F6.4))

Annoyingly, I can't seem to replace 36 (=2*Ncols) with a variable name or my compiler shouts. A mystery for another time I think.